“All Hypnosis is Self-Hypnosis” is simply not TRUE.

I remember when I first started studying hypnosis many many years ago, teachers would often say that “all hypnosis was self-hypnosis.” Then you would hear hypnotists all over the internet in their vlogs and blogs argue that “no one could be hypnotized against their will”, and once again repeat and parrot the old “all hypnosis was self-hypnosis.”

I can see why we were taught these misleading statements. Simply so that we could convince our clients or anyone with trust issues in hypnosis - to trust hypnosis or us, as if it was impossible to take control over someone.

But that is not TRUE! All hypnosis is NOT self-hypnosis. What kind of vague statement is that, anyway?

First all of hypnosis by definition is a process of idea transmission in one’s mind. This transmission can happen anywhere and at any time. On Instagram, on YouTube, while you are watching someone’s podcast or a movie. Also you are hypnotized as a kid, being told what to do or even while listening to your parents in the background, unconsciously copying their patterns of behavior, almost like a sponge!

Now, self-hypnosis is a process of hypnotizing yourself with some sort of tools, like relaxation techniques or apps. You consciously and deliberately choose it. You are doing it yourself, as opposed to someone else or something else doing it to you with or without your agreement. Yes, without your conscious well-throughout permission and agreement - and this happens almost daily to many of us.

So, all hypnosis is not self-hypnosis. These are two separate things. Hypnosis is a daily activity, we could say. It’s a process of filling your brain with various kinds of information, knowingly and unknowingly. This information often causes you to behave in a certain way.

Now, could a hypnotist hypnotize you against your will and your best highest good? Yes. Like anyone else who has the skills of maneuvering and manipulating perceptions and human behavior. The only reason they don’t do that is this: they are generally and mostly kind and good people and have no interest in harming anyone or harming their practice for that matter. They choose to use their powers for good. Plain and simple. And those who don’t? These type of folks are very rare. Extremely rare. And the best way to find a good ethical hypnotist is to do your research. Read reviews, their bios and educational background, speak with them on the phone.

99.99% of the time your hypnotherapist wants and desires one goal only - to help you get what you truly want. And he or she completely altruistically will help you achieve your personal goals with the magical powers of hypnosis. Oh, and some would even teach you self-hypnosis, so you are equipped to do it yourself, should you choose.


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