Testimonials and Reviews
What our clients say working with Elena Mosaner
I am a professional fighter who competes in the UFC. Mental preparation is a very important component necessary to win. As an athlete I believe it's as important to have your mind armed with the ability to focus and harness a level of confidence that will support your goal of not only winning the competition but having your head straight to train every day at 100 percent capacity. I've had difficulties in the past which made it tough to not only prepare right mentally but also compete with my mind sharp. After working with Elena, it was clear to me the weak links in the chain of MY thoughts and what I needed work on. She helped me to vanquish doubt, negative thinking, rumination, and comparisons to other people. The more we worked together the more I felt "unlocked" and "unchained". I felt a rise in confidence and a much clearer understanding of my goals and my focus. It showed in the night I competed recently in UFC 230. I felt a clear focus and confidence that translated physically for me to have won the fight that night. The best part of working with her was how simple she made it seem. How she simply dialed in some reprogramming of the mind, pattern of thinking, and how it easily changed my behaviors. I thank her for the work she’s done and will continue to practice an invaluable tool she help arm me with to be successful both in and out of the cage. Thank you Elena.
Lyman Good, UFC Fighter, New York City
I was diagnosed with a life-threatening blood clot in my leg, otherwise known as a deep vein thrombosis or DVT. Frankly it scared me quite a bit. When the clot was found, they rushed me to the emergency room for treatment and I wrote goodbye letters to my family because it looked like this could be the end. Blood clots claim hundreds of thousands of lives per year. One person dies every six minutes from a blood clot in the United States. It is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S. 20% die within the first month of diagnosis. Sudden death is the first symptom in 25% of those diagnosed with a DVT. The blood thinning medication the doctors put me on was also very dangerous (high instances internal bleeding, brain bleeds, stroke, etc.) and I didn't want to take it but the doctors insisted that if I didn't, the blood clot could get worse and / or I could develop other clots that would make the situation even more dangerous. I had worked with Elena before and really respected her work. I explained the situation to her and she offered to customize a hypnosis audio for me that I could listen to on my own to assist with the healing process. She asked me for very detailed information which I provided to her. She then worked all weekend to come up with the perfect healing hypnosis audio for me. After listening to it for the first time it was clear she had done her home work. She said all of the right things in a very soothing and healing voice. Against my 5 doctor's orders, but consistent with my intuition because the medication was so dangerous in and of itself, I had decided to stop the medication. Other than a strict vegan diet, this hypnosis audio was the only assisted healing process that I utilized. It was very comforting to hear Elena's voice on the Audio and I actually used it as I went to sleep because I wanted it embedded deep into my subconscious. Fast forward six weeks later, I just had my last Doppler test (a sonogram that monitors/visualizes blood clots). Much to the doctors surprise, and much to my great relief, the blood clot is completely gone!!! The docs said it wouldn't go away. I am eternally grateful.
Rich B., New York City
Elena was quite responsive to my initial inquiry and scheduled me asap. I was impressed with her rapid grasp of the issues i was explaining to her of the comprehensive circumstances i was inquiring about. She lead me through a session and even reacted to an interruption of it without being thrown off her course. The recording she has provided is already a valuable tool for me to listen to and use in my arsenal for improvement and command of my life with extremely apt and articulate language for me to absorb. I couldn't have rendered it better myself. I am quite appreciative of her services. This was my first experience w hypnotherapy and I wholeheartedly endorse the experience with her.
T.H., New York City
I sought Elena's expertise to help with stress and anxiety. I really needed someone who would listen to the problems I was having and give me real life tools to overcome them. She was very compassionate and knowledgeable and I felt at ease in her company and sharing my issues. Through hypnosis I found a release and could do it for 10 minutes in the middle of the day to ease the stress. I'm sad she has left the east coast but she is willing to Skype, which makes it easy for me.
Lizzy B, New York City
I had really amazing 2 sessions with Elena for performance anxiety. I'm a professional musician and needed to overcome the performance anxiety which I've been struggling over the past years as the stake is getting higher and higher. Not only her presence being warm and supportive, her voice being soothing and easy to get relaxed with, Elena has a deep insight for music/performance. Her intuition was right on. Her story telling was excellent.After the 1st session, I had an amazing week, playing gigs and recording. I was relaxed, calm and focused. If you struggle with performance anxiety, I highly recommend Elena Mosaner. You won't regret it!
Olivia Arumo, New York City
Elena Mosaner changed my life! She made it possible for me to have a viable career as a performing musician. When I went to her, I had a terrible and debilitating stage fright. After three hypnosis sessions I can now play to fully packed houses without any trouble! For my entire playing career, I had severe anxiety. It was characterized by a shortness of breath, a high pulse rate and blood pressure and a belief that the audience was antagonistic or hostile. I had tried everything to control my stress from beta-blockers, meditation/yoga, to medication all to no avail. The night before an important event I would have trouble sleeping and would lose my appetite the day of the performance. These could be anything from playing for my peers to playing for a paying audience. The issue was not who was listening because whomever they were, they were against me and wanted to see me fail; at least so I thought.
After no improvement with the various methods I turned to hypnosis. Convinced by the dismal track record, I felt I had nothing to lose. However, to my great surprise, after the first session, I immediately felt a difference! During the interview at that session, we searched for the cause for the anxiety, the trigger to the stressful feelings. Once found, Elena was able to remove that trigger and replace it with a positive affirmation, which could be activated subconsciously when it was time to perform. Since hypnosis works on such a deep level there is no conscious effort needed in order to create good feelings; it just happens. At my next performance, much to my amazement, I did not have to do any mental cheerleading; I simply did not feel the once familiar anxiety. In fact, if anything, I had to get used to feeling calm for a performance, imagine that!
If you have experienced any of these feelings that I once did, don’t hesitate, make an appointment! It is amazing how easy and successful hypnosis can be and how quickly it can change your life!
Ian Shafer, Professional oboe player, New York City
The essence of an effective coach is the ability to listen and allow a deep dive into the clients own mind for self discovery and formulating actions. Elena Mosaner embodies these qualities to the highest degree possible. This appears to be to a large part to her Coaching education but also her background in the field of Clinical Hypnosis. My name is Ramesh Kumar. I am a Physician specializing in Oncology in Florida and I have had the good fortune of working with Elena for about 6 months figuring out my way forward in this world of ongoing turmoil especially in the rapidly changing healthcare field. The results that I have achieved with coaching has allowed me to complete a HealthCare Leadership program at Harvard Medical School, a journey that took me around the world guided by the best faculty on the planet that has changed my life and those of my patients for the better. Self discovery also led to completing a Medical Acupuncture Course at Harvard Medical School, an area that would have made no sense to me a few years ago. All these incredible changes are all due to the abilities of coaches such as Elena. I am glad that she is part of my life and I hope to continue an ongoing professional relationship with this incredible person for more better tomorrows.
Ramesh Kumar, MD Palm Sprigs, Florida
I was initially terrified of seeing Elena! Not because of something that she did, but because the thought of someone in my head freaked me out. I actually did not show up for my first session because that fear was that intense. I sucked it up and made another appointment and Elena was so understanding about the situation. Elena put me at ease within seconds and she is extremely easy to open up to about the issues I have been having. We talked and within minutes devised a strategy to help me resolve the issues I have been having. After our first session I felt like a different person. I thought of it like a computer and my operating system was updated to the proper programming. I saw Elena a second time to reinforce this new programming. I will visit Elena further times throughout the years to keep me on this new path of mine because I want to not because I have to. I feel like I am seeing the world through new eyes. What once affected me negatively, no longer does. I feel totally comfortable in my own skin and for once feel like I am in control of my life. I have life goals that I now know are attainable. Before seeing Elena, I was stuck in a constant rotation of events in my life that I could not escape by myself. I was my own worst enemy, but now I can be my own hero. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you Elena!
Shaun Thompson, New York City
I wasn't sure what to expect from the experience or even the results but it was interesting and definitely has set me on the right path already, and it's only been just over a week! I went in to try and get assistance on one area of my life I wanted to get more disciplined in but actually got the benefit for 2 different things! What I call added value:) I've since referred another friend to Elena to help her with something else and she's also been impressed with the results so far! It just gives you that extra push for whatever you're set to do, or improve in your lifestyle. Would definitely recommend it for any skeptics out there. There is nothing to lose, apart from being pleasantly surprised with the outcome!
Anna Nikkinen, New York City
I had a serious binge eating problem that was affecting my health, tried the usual everything, had 2 sessions with Elena, (1 FaceTime 1 in person) and it was like a miracle. Today is 91 Days with no binging, sticking to my diet and I’m down 24 lbs. She provided me with audio of our sessions that I listen to 2-3 times a week and It STILL WORKS!!!
Mike Michaelini, New York City