Internal Family Systems Therapy
Let me be the Agent Between Your Life Scripts
What is Internal Family System+ online?
Internal Family Systems Therapy is a unique therapeutic experience rooted in the art and science of storytelling with its base in constellations therapy. The approach employs wooden figures as symbolic representations of key elements in a client's life. During therapy the figures come to life on a symbolic stage, allowing for a dynamic unraveling of life's knots and conflicts. Through spoken truth statements, you engage in a transformative journey, akin to a cinematic denouement, where you confront, understand, and ultimately resolve entanglements. This unique blend of narrative exploration and symbolic embodiment provides a creative and healing space for personal growth and liberation from what is holding you back.
What are the principles behind this therapy?
The process centers around the specific question at hand, as we construct a stage adorned with wooden figures. Through a deep connection with your field, the intricate code within your personal matrix, I utilize a combination of listening and intuitive feeling. Together, we select key actors from the current cinematic production of your life, represented by wooden figures placed on a stage—an empty canvas.
We embark on a process of unraveling, a journey that unfolds towards resolution, mirroring the structure of a captivating movie or story denouement.
These figures take on various roles, and as the therapist, I guide you in embodying these characters. We shift from embodying characters to understanding their perspectives, ultimately working towards resolving their relationships and releasing any entanglements. This is achieved through the articulation of specific truth statements.
What can it help with?
Internal Family Systems Therapy is effective in addressing a myriad of challenges. Whether it's relationship issues within your family or on a personal level, understanding perplexing patterns of behavior, or navigating through feelings of being stuck, this therapy offers a pathway to move forward. It caters to those seeking to progress to the next stage of personal development, searching for freedom and resolution. Simply message me with your query, and I will assess whether you are the right candidate for this transformative journey.
Is it hypnosis?
This isn't a conventional hypnosis session. Throughout the process, your eyes remain open, and we vocalize specific phrases. While I may provide you with phrases for exploration, you can engage in self-hypnosis later, a practice I'm more than willing to teach you.
My educational background
I have two science degrees, a BS in Film and Media and an MS in Executive Coaching and Organizational Behavior. I am an ICF Certified Coach and hypnotherapist. My studies include NLP, constellation theory, and soul therapy with Evgeny Terebenin, and Internal Family Systems Therapy
I am a storyteller, having authored a science fiction book and produced a documentary film. I want to help you author a new life script.
Ready to Explore?
Complete the form and let me know which aspect of your life you'd like to zoom in on during our session.