How to Stop Vaping in One Single Hypnosis Session Online.

How to Stop Vaping in One Single Virtual Hypnosis Session

The vaping habit has become one of the top reasons people seek out hypnotherapists, “thanks” to nicotine companies convincing many, especially young people, that vaping is a better alternative to smoking cigarettes. In reality, it can be even more detrimental, as it often leads to increased consumption and presents greater challenges in quitting due to its accessibility and discreet nature. You can break free from this habit in just one single hypnosis session, saving money and improving your health. Hypnotherapy offers immediate results and equips you with techniques for long-term success.

Understanding the Structure of the Hypnosis Session

A typical session is divided into three distinct parts, each designed to tackle the habit from a different angle:

Assessment of Triggers and Motivations: The first part of the session is a discussion about your vaping triggers. We explore when and why you vape, such as during stress or social situations, and importantly, why you want to stop. This understanding is crucial as it tailors the session to your personal experiences and goals.

Technique Teaching: Next, I teach two powerful hypnosis techniques. The first involves substitution strategies to combat the urge to vape, including finger tapping and focused breathing—a short and effective approach. The second technique involves daily affirmations combined with tapping, a relaxing tool that takes only two minutes per day. Supported by the study "The Effects of Positive Self-Instruction: A Controlled Trial" (Lange et al., 1998), practicing positive self-statements daily for three weeks can significantly reshape your mindset and behavior. This part of the session empowers you with tools to reinforce your new non-vaping identity.

Induction and Visualization: The final part of the session involves the induction of trance through a tailored hypnotic induction. This relaxed state allows for deeper mental processing. We integrate all the discussed benefits of becoming a non-vaper—such as health, longevity, empowerment, self-control, and being a role model for children, if applicable—and motivate you to maintain your commitment. Visualization techniques are employed to imagine and emotionally experience life as a non-vaper, embedding these positive changes more deeply.

Real-Life Success

To demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach, watch the accompanying video where I help a client, Libby, stop vaping in just a 40-minute session. This real-life example not only showcases the techniques in action but also highlights the potential for rapid and lasting change.

This virtual session approach to quitting vaping ensures that help is accessible regardless of your location, providing you with the necessary tools to reclaim control over your health and life.

Ready to talk more about how online hypnotherapy can help stop vaping or smoking? Set up a complimentary 15-minute call with online hypnotherapist Elena Mosaner.

Elena Mosaner, MS, is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Master NLP Practitioner, and ICF Certified Coach with over 15 years of experience in helping people with habit-building, conquering fears, confidence-building, performance, and other personal development and wellness issues. She is also an author and the founder of HypnoCloud, a digital hypnotherapy app. Contact us for your complimentary consultation.


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