Hypnosis for Smoking and Vaping Cessation online

How does hypnosis work for smoking or vaping cessation?

There was a day, a moment you started smoking or vaping. Perhaps it was social influence or you believed this was a way for you to deal with stress, tension or anxiety. The more you did it, the more it became a habitual pattern. It is like hypnosis, when you introduce an idea to the mind and body and then reinforce it with time.

You can reprogram this habit and behavior in same way you got programmed by it.

In the state of hypnosis you are introduced to the benefits of being a non-smoker and the dangers of being a smoker. While deeply relaxed, you are guided to see two pathways, the path of a non-smoker and one of a smoker. It is essential to be able to see yourself becoming a permanent non-smoker to enhance your belief and motivation to stay on the path of not smoking or vaping for good.

In hypnosis, you are also given suggestions to lose all need and desire for smoking or vaping and you will unconsciously break down all associations you have with a cigarette.

How many hypnosis sessions do I need to stop smoking or vaping?

In one single session you will become a non-smoker/non vaper. The session lasts about 75 minutes.

Is there a guarantee I will stop smoking or vaping with hypnosis?

For as long as you are ready to stop the habit and truly and honesty want that for yourself and not for anyone like your doctor or your spouse. Yes, you will stop and it is an easy process. Here is what you will get with the session to guarantee your success:

  • Your hypnosis part of the session will be recorded and sent to you, for you to listen for two weeks

  • You will learn a self-hypnosis technique to help you manage triggers and urges

  • You will learn a substitution technique for a cigarette/vaping

  • You will get hypnotized to stop smoking

Can I get hypnotized online to stop smoking or vaping?

Absolutely. For hypnosis part of the session, your eyes are closed anyway, so you don’t need to see anyone, you just need to listen and visualize in your own mind and stay receptive while pleasantly and deeply relaxed. All of this is possible via Zoom.

Book your hypnosis smoking or vaping cessation session online with hypnotherapist Elena Mosaner today. Fill out the form.


Stop Smoking or Vaping Online in One Single Session with Expert Hypnotherapist Elena Mosaner


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