Online Zoom Hypnotherapy to Overcome Erectile Disfunction and Become Sexually Confident.

Sexual Performance Anxiety: how common is it?

Over the course of nearly two decades, my practice in hypnosis for empowerment and confidence has brought to light an intriguing observation: approximately 30% of my sessions revolve around male performance anxiety, a prevalent issue that affects more men than commonly realized.

Statistical data points to a significant number of men grappling with performance anxiety. Research studies indicate that around 5% to 20% of men experience erectile dysfunction, with a considerable portion of these cases being driven by performance-related concerns. Moreover, societal pressures and unrealistic expectations exacerbate the matter, impacting a broader spectrum of men.

How does sexual performance anxiety start?

The roots of male performance anxiety often trace back to early experiences and a lack of proper guidance, support, or comprehensive sex education. The pressure to excel in initial sexual encounters can lead to heightened anxiety and fear of failure. This negative cycle becomes self-reinforcing, causing men to anticipate failure and further hindering their ability to achieve and sustain an erection. Consequently, they may develop a preoccupation with thoughts of potential failure, leading to avoidance of intimacy altogether, activating a fight or flight response.

Numerous factors contribute to performance anxiety, including alcohol consumption, stress, and negative past experiences. Lingering thoughts of previous performance issues can perpetuate the problem, creating a continuous cycle of self-doubt and overthinking.

Importantly, some men may face criticism or shaming from partners, significantly impacting their confidence and performance in intimate situations. Unfair judgment about physical attributes or other aspects can instill self-doubt and further escalate performance anxiety.

What happens in the mind during sexual performance anxiety?

Understanding the cognitive foundation behind sexual performance anxiety is vital in addressing the issue effectively. Common thoughts that plague men dealing with this anxiety include: "It won't work," "I will fail," "I need to do it fast," "I am inadequate," and "I should avoid it." This negative self-talk contributes to a lack of relaxation in the body, leading to elevated stress levels and cortisol secretion. It is worth noting that most men experiencing performance anxiety can achieve an erection when masturbating, indicating that the root of the problem primarily lies in the context of involving another person in the act.

How can hypnosis help overcome sexual performance anxiety?

To combat performance anxiety, hypnosis sessions focus on cultivating a relaxation response, countering the fight or flight instinct. Clients learn to be fully present in the moment and detach from negative self-talk. By fostering a state of thoughtlessness, presence, and enjoyment in the intimate experience without any expectation or outcome, individuals can gradually shift their mindset towards a more positive and confident state. This approach helps clients remain relaxed and fully present during moments of sexual pleasure and connection.

The effectiveness of online hypnosis for male performance anxiety is on par with in-person sessions. During the hypnosis part of the session, clients close their eyes and simply need to listen attentively. Additionally, clients receive a recording of their session, which they can use for reinforcement over three weeks. Moreover, a self-hypnosis technique is taught to continue reinforcing the positive programming independently.

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Watch this 90-second video to learn about Elena Mosaner’s work in hypnotherapy.

Elena Mosaner, MS, is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Master NLP Practitioner, and ICF Certified Coach with over 15 years of experience in helping people with habit-building, conquering fears, confidence-building, performance, and other personal development and wellness issues. She is also an author and the founder of HypnoCloud, a digital hypnotherapy app. Contact us for your complimentary consultation.


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