Online Zoom Hypnotherapy to Stop Smoking in One Single Session.

Utilizing the power of hypnosis to aid individuals in quitting smoking has been a tried and tested method for many decades. This transformative process involves guiding someone into a state of deep relaxation, where their subconscious mind becomes more receptive to positive suggestions aimed at breaking the smoking habit. In recent times, thanks to modern technology, the wonders of hypnosis can now be harnessed through virtual platforms like Zoom, allowing individuals to experience the benefits from the comfort of their homes.

Why hypnosis to stop smoking?

The advantages of using hypnosis to quit smoking are manifold. Firstly, it is a non-invasive and drug-free approach, diverging from the conventional methods of nicotine patches or gum. Unlike these interventions, hypnosis requires no physical substances, making it an appealing option for those seeking a natural and holistic path towards liberation from smoking. Secondly, hypnosis delves deep into the root causes of the smoking habit, targeting triggers that fuel the addiction. By addressing these underlying factors, individuals can overcome the psychological and emotional aspects tied to smoking, making the cessation process more effective and lasting. Moreover, hypnosis is known for its rapid results, offering a relatively swift resolution to the smoking dilemma.

How does hypnosis session work over Zoom?

During a hypnosis session conducted over Zoom, the process closely resembles an in-person session. A skilled hypnotherapist will expertly guide the participant into a state of profound relaxation and heightened suggestibility. The beauty of conducting the session online lies in the convenience it offers; individuals can comfortably partake from their own living spaces, eliminating the need for physical travel or potential disruptions to their routine. Furthermore, the efficacy of the session remains undiminished, as the essence of hypnosis lies in the individual's receptivity to the hypnotist's positive suggestions, regardless of their physical location.

In a single hypnosis session, remarkable progress can be achieved towards quitting smoking for good. The hypnotherapist will collaborate with the participant to uncover the triggers that trigger the desire to smoke. Armed with this knowledge, the hypnosis session will focus on instilling empowering affirmations at a subconscious level. Such affirmations may include reinforcing the belief of being a non-smoker, eradicating cravings for cigarettes, and cultivating a newfound aversion towards smoking. By harnessing the power of the subconscious mind, these suggestions can profoundly influence the individual's behavior and attitude towards smoking.

Towards the end of the session, individuals are equipped with valuable self-hypnosis techniques and a potent substitution technique to employ whenever the urge to smoke arises. Visualizations of life as a non-smoker are encouraged, fostering a deep-seated motivation to quit and enhancing self-confidence in the ability to succeed. With the support of hypnosis, individuals embark on a transformative journey that not only addresses the habit of smoking but also nurtures a positive shift in their mindset, empowering them to embrace a healthier and smoke-free lifestyle.

What our clients say…

When I saw that Elena helped my friend quit smoking, I was impressed! Elena understood my goals and helped me with the positive reprogramming I was seeking. I recommend her to all my friends.
— Karen Esposito, NYC
Elena is incredibly talented! After one session I stopped smoking instantly after trying to quit many times for over a decade!! Booking an appointment with her was the best decision I ever made. I honestly still cannot believe I had and still have no desire to smoke at all after our session. She is amazing and I highly recommend her services to anyone!
— Mary R, California

If you're looking to quit smoking, consider trying hypnosis as a fast and effective method for breaking the habit. Contact smoking cessation specialist and hypnotherapist Elena Mosaner to stop smoking today.

Elena Mosaner, MS, is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Master NLP Practitioner, and ICF Certified Coach with over 15 years of experience in helping people with habit-building, conquering fears, confidence-building, performance, and other personal development and wellness issues. She is also an author and the founder of HypnoCloud, a digital hypnotherapy app. Contact us for your complimentary consultation.


Book online hypnotherapy via Zoom, Skype or Facetime.


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