Hypnotherapy for Fears & Phobias
What type of phobia or fear can I overcome with hypnotherapy?
Hypnosis is widely used to overcome irrational phobias, like fears of water, open spaces or closed spaced, fear of dogs, fear of needles, fear of being in the elevators, fear of flying, fear of driving, claustrophobia, agoraphobia and more.
How does hypnosis work for the fears and phobias?
A fear or phobia is a specific information piece held in your unconscious mind. This information peace contains a program, like a computer algorithm. Most of the time, the messages of the information piece revolves around “there is danger”, “something bad is going to happen,” “I may get hurt,” “I could die,”etc. It is important to rationalize the source of the fear, and convince the mind that you are safe and secure in a given context or a specific environment where the fear is normally triggered. Your hypnotherapist will help you design a script with a new set of positive beliefs to reinforce your confidence and help you remain calm and relaxed. Any other necessary programming for safety, trust in yourself and your mental and cognitive abilities will be reinforced as well, all depending on the nature of your unique condition.
You will also learn self-hypnosis techniques which can be used at anytime to elicit a relaxation response for a sense of calm and comfort. The relaxation response is characterized by your body’s natural ability to lower the levels of the stress hormone, called cortisol and instead activate the release of serotonin, endorphins and melatonin in your brain.
How many hypnosis sessions do I need to overcome a fear or phobia?
Two hypnosis sessions are recommended to overcome a fear or a phobia.