Hypnotherapy for Performance Anxiety and Stage Fright
What is performance anxiety or stage fright?
Performance anxiety or stage fright is characterized by the anxiousness or the lack of confidence associated with being on stage and performing in public. Performers tend to get self-critical and over-judgemental, hindering their ability to stay present and to connect with the audience. It is common to experience symptoms like shakiness, sweating and blanking. As result, the performer no longer enjoys the performance as they should.
How does hypnosis work for performance anxiety and stage fright?
In hypnosis, you can release fears and any connections with any past negative experiences. Positive suggestions to help you release old negative thinkings and fears associated with performance, as well as suggestions to enhance self-esteem and confidence will be introduced to you while in the state of hypnosis. You will be guided to mentally rehearse a positive and happy experience of being on stage. Imagine enjoying being in rapport with your audience and seeing them as an ally, rooting for you. Any specific and unique narrative will be designed and developed for a client to help reinforce stage confidence.
You will also learn self-hypnosis techniques to help you elicit a relaxation response, characterized by a more dynamic relaxed heart rate, lower level of stress hormone called cortisol, relaxed slow breathing and a positive mental attitude.
What type of performance anxiety can be overcome with hypnotherapy?
Absolutely any performance anxiety can be overcome with hypnosis, like acting, playing musical instruments, public speaking, giving media interviews etc.
How many hypnosis sessions do I need to overcome performance anxiety?
Two hypnosis sessions are recommended to overcome performance anxiety with hypnosis. Both sessions will recorded for the future reinforcement.