How Can I Use Hypnosis to Improve My Life? A Brief Guide.

The other day, I received a phone call from a potential client who didn’t have any specific goal in mind, unlike most of my prospects who often call seeking help with specific problems like vaping cessation, weight loss, public speaking, overcoming a breakup, trauma bonds, becoming better day traders, and so on. This client was just curious to know what hypnosis could do for him. We had a brief talk, and I gave him some ideas, but his request prompted me to think more deeply and write a guide about what hypnosis could do for you. The power of hypnosis is actually quite immense. So here we go.

Let me start with why I am the one to offer this guide. I have been practicing hypnosis for life improvement with clients for close to 20 years, and I am obsessed with empowerment and how hypnosis can help with that. Yes, I constantly use self-hypnosis. Over the decades, I've used it to help me with my own fears of driving, productivity and focus, skin picking, public speaking, creative writing, and stress management. It’s not that I have so many issues to work on—everyone does. I just use self-hypnosis anytime I can to help me level up and improve myself whenever I encounter a roadblock, a belief that hinders me, or a personal pattern or life event I don’t know how to solve or approach. I rely on the power of my unconscious mind and carefully guided statements to move forward.

To this day, I have also helped thousands of clients, with positive testimonials, mentions in notable publications, and TV shows—I am excited to share some tools with you.

How to Use Hypnosis to Improve Your Life

I have divided this guide into two parts. The first is about knowing how to program or deprogram yourself to become a better you or use the power of your creative subconscious to heal and upgrade your mindset. Basically, it is about self-programming tools. The second part is about understanding the mechanics of hypnosis and learning to recognize the nuances of constant influence, thus building a strong inner critical faculty so you don’t get swayed by various programmings from your environment. It is, in essence, the power of self-sovereignty. And I want you to rule your life, not be ruled by the world around you that will often hypnotize you for its own benefit, like media, entertainment, and the various aspects of the environment you expose yourself to, knowingly or unknowingly.

Part I: Self-Hypnosis to Improve Yourself: The Tools

For brevity, I will show you a few tools I use myself and teach my clients:

Tool 1: Program Yourself with Affirmations

Studies have shown how reading statements out loud twice a day for three weeks can modify your mindset and attitude for the better. Here is a link to this study. The key is your affirmations need to be powerful and not random. They need to aim to resolve your subconscious blocks and tie into your desired outcome. For that, simply follow these three steps:

Step 1: Write down on paper exactly what you want—your well-formed outcome. Be focused and clear and don't be shy.

Step 2: Ask yourself what beliefs are limiting you from getting there. Write down about 5 or 10 statements. Only you will read them, so it is okay if they sound over the top and even ridiculous at first. Yes, they might be, and because we rarely extract them so deliberately, they tend to keep us limited in a ridiculous way too.

Step 3: Take these statements and now reframe them into positive and empowering statements instead.

Now you are ready to read your new empowering statements - your script - out loud twice a day for three weeks. Let me know how it works for you.

If you don’t feel like doing this exercise yet (but you should one day), then get my guide with a library of affirmations (over 1000!) for free on my HypnoCloud app. Choose any script you want and commit to three weeks of reading the same script. Follow the link to iPhone and Google Play.

Tool 2: Guide Yourself Forward with Hypnosis:

Use any relaxation technique or induction to relax into a silent meditation state. Before that, say out loud, “I am asking my unconscious mind to show me the way to... [your outcome] (e.g., to resolve conflict with X, to help me double my income this year, to help me meet my long-term partner, etc.).” Again, be precise with the outcome, not vague. Then go into a relaxing state for 20-30 minutes and let your mind give you the insights, images, and guidance. I personally love this exercise; every time I do this self-guided meditation, I feel like a well of imagery and guidance reveals itself in a magical way. Besides, it is so relaxing too.

Tool 3: Manage Stress with Self-Hypnosis in the Moment

When triggered or stressed by something or someone, use these four steps silently:

  1. Feel your body and notice where the stressed feeling is. Stay present to it; don't act on it, just observe it for about 15-20 seconds.

  2. Notice your mind and the thoughts that are coming in; just watch them, then deliberately put them on hold, and become silent.

  3. Focus on your breath, taking 5 long breaths in and out. It will relax your body from the fight or flight response to the relaxation response right away.

  4. Look around and notice the world around you, and say, “I choose to stay calm and present now.”

This 4-step self-hypnosis tool will keep you sane and rational amidst emotional instability and distress. Practice it more often and you will equip yourself more naturally to keep calm and resolved in various difficult life situations and circumstances. You can find a 5-minute short audio guide with all four steps, called Instant Trigger Release, in my app HypnoCloud, and it's free.

Part 2: Becoming Un-Influenced by the World Around You

I want to ask you to do this from now on: remember wherever you go, your mind is taking in the content all the time, even without you knowing it. Be vigilant if you are being pulled in by people, social media, or anything else that is taking too much of your attention. Where your attention goes, your energy flows—we know that. But also, and more importantly, where your attention goes is where you open a mental channel for content to load quicker and influence you in ways that are not always for your highest good. Be mindful of that. Keep your focus in the right places. And with that said, go ahead and say now 5 times: “I am mindful of my powerful focus and choose to guide it in the direction of my own goals and my own personal good.”

This is it for now, let me know what you think and try my app HypnoCloud for your self-hypnosis therapy needs.

Want a session? Set up a 15 -minute consultation with me to go over you goals and how I can help you.

Elena Mosaner, MS, is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Master NLP Practitioner, and ICF Certified Coach with over 15 years of experience in helping people with habit-building, conquering fears, confidence-building, performance, and other personal development and wellness issues. She is also an author and the founder of HypnoCloud, a digital hypnotherapy app. Contact us for your complimentary consultation.


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