Vaping: The New Pandemic - How Can Hypnotherapy Help?

Have you ever wondered what discussions take place in board meetings at vaping companies? How many young kids to target and how to keep them coming back? There is nothing healthy about vaping, and it is harming an entire generation.

The Rise of Vaping Cessation in Hypnotherapists' Offices

In recent years, the landscape of smoking cessation has shifted dramatically. Once dominated by efforts to help individuals quit traditional cigarettes, hypnotherapists are now seeing a surge in clients seeking help to quit vaping. This trend highlights a growing concern: vaping is becoming an epidemic, especially among young people.

The Alarming Statistics and Health Impacts

Vaping has become a prevalent issue, particularly among teenagers. According to the CDC, in 2021, about 11% of high school students reported using e-cigarettes. This figure translates to millions of young individuals exposed to the harmful effects of vaping. Studies have shown that vaping can lead to respiratory issues, heart problems, and addiction to nicotine, which is often more potent in e-cigarettes than in traditional tobacco products.

The Harmful Effects of Nicotine

Nicotine, the primary addictive substance in vaping products, has several harmful effects on the body. It can increase heart rate and blood pressure, leading to a higher risk of heart disease. Nicotine also affects brain development in young people, potentially leading to cognitive impairments and mental health issues. Long-term use can result in a range of health problems, including chronic bronchitis, lung damage, and an increased risk of various cancers. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, nicotine exposure during adolescence can disrupt brain development and may have lasting effects on cognitive function and mental health.

The Challenge: Vaping vs. Traditional Smoking

Hypnotherapists are discovering that quitting vaping can be even more challenging than quitting traditional smoking. The reasons for this are multifaceted:

  • Accessibility: Vaping devices are compact and easy to use anywhere, making it difficult to avoid triggers.

  • Lack of Odor: Unlike traditional cigarettes, vaping doesn't leave a lingering smell, which means users can vape more discreetly and frequently.

  • Constant Usage: Many clients report using their vaping devices every few minutes, almost like holding a phone, making it an extremely ingrained habit.

How Hypnotherapy for Vaping Works

Hypnotherapy for vaping involves guiding the client into a state of deep relaxation, where they can break their ties with vaping. During this deeply relaxed state, the hypnotherapist provides suggestions and ideas about the harmful effects of vaping, emphasizing how it causes damage and how the client can stop with ease and strength. The process is designed to help the client lose the need and desire to vape.

Additionally, the client is hypnotized to use a four-step mindfulness technique to manage triggers and urges. This technique helps them become more aware of their cravings and provides strategies to cope with them effectively. They also learn a substitution technique to replace vaping with a healthier habit and a self-hypnosis technique to practice for three weeks to reinforce their belief in their ability to stay away from vaping.

To support the process, clients receive a session recording to listen to once a week for three weeks. This may seem like a lot of work, but it is crucial, especially for vapers, since quitting can be exceptionally challenging. By following this comprehensive approach, clients can successfully overcome their addiction to vaping and regain control over their health and well-being.

Why Vaping is So Addictive

The addictive nature of vaping can be attributed to several factors:

  • High Nicotine Content: E-cigarettes often contain higher levels of nicotine than traditional cigarettes, increasing the addiction potential.

  • Appealing Flavors: Many vaping products come in sweet, appealing flavors that attract young users.

  • Perceived Safety: The misconception that vaping is a safer alternative to smoking has led many to underestimate its addictive potential.


Vaping is not just a trend; it’s a growing public health crisis. The deceptive marketing strategies of vaping companies are targeting younger populations, leading to widespread addiction. Hypnosis can be a viable solution, but it demands a comprehensive approach.

Elena Mosaner, MS, is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Master NLP Practitioner, and ICF Certified Coach with over 15 years of experience in helping people with habit-building, conquering fears, confidence-building, performance, and other personal development and wellness issues. She is also an author and the founder of HypnoCloud, a digital hypnotherapy app. Contact us for your complimentary consultation.


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