Hypnotherapy to emulate Kim Kardashian’s “Goddess” archetype.

“It almost feels that, it is uncool to say you like Kim Kardashian. Some people look at you like you are some lunatic or as if you are not smart enough. So, I need to be careful who to tell this. Why is that? Are people jealous?”

Eliza Kriat has come to me in the past to help her mend a broken heart. She has gotten better since then. Now engaged to a new man. She also just started a new business, her own bridal store in Scarsdale, New York. Eliza comes from a wealthy family. They own furniture stores all throughout upstate New York.

“I am not sure, Eliza.” I tell her. “ She is surely a very successful woman. But even to say this — can make some people feel uncomfortable, right? It really all depends on who you talk to.”

“Exactly, people often think she is doing nothing, just instagramming pictures. They have no idea how much work is happening behind the scenes. She is just operating on a completely different level from many of us. And some people feel uncomfortable about it.”

In the previous session with Eliza, I mentioned an NLP( Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Modeling technique. This techqniues can help you learn the mindset of another person, whom you choose to model. It is a very creative process, enabling you to embody the characteristics of another person. This technique usually helps you enrich your model of the world, creating new patterns of thought, and sometimes, even a new behavior. Eliza wanted to try it and model Kim Kardashian.

“So, Eliza, tell me why Kim? ” I ask.

“I want to model Kim Kardashian because she is a beautiful being, she has some sort of soft power. She is well spoken, super calm. She is very positive. She is a mother of four, a wife, a successful businesswoman. What I most admire about her is her kindness. I never met her to experience it first hand. But after reading and watching many interviews, I can see how she relates to people. She cares and she is quite humble. Yes, with everything that she has in her life — she is humble.”

The process of an NLP technique is simple, after a client finds someone they want to model, they pretend to be that person for a while, usually while in hypnosis. While in character, we walk through six neurological levels, such as the Environment, Behavior, Capabilities, Beliefs & Values, Identity and Spirituality of the person they model. Let’s see how this unfolds in Eliza’s case.

“You have done your part, Eliza, getting to know Kim through your research. Now tell me, in what area in your life would you find Kim’s attributes most useful to you?” I ask her.

“My work and overall life, as a modern businesswoman. I want to create this sense of ease and grace she has, and be successful in business.”

“Let’s get ready for a ride. Ready to meet her?” I ask.

“Oh yeah, let’s do it.” says Eliza with a big smile on her face.

I induce a state of deep relaxation to help Eliza see, feel and hear at a deeper level of awareness. I guide her to imagine to become Kim Kardashian. As if embodying her persona. Eliza sits up straight in her chair, her face softens with a little smile. Her eyes are still closed.

“Hello, what is your name?”

“Kim Kardashian-West,” she responds softly.

“Thank you so much for being here, I have some questions I would like to ask you today. Will you have some time for us?

“Absolutely, I have plenty of time for you. Remember, I am used to interviews.” she jokes.

“Kim, how would you describe your environment today?

“It is abundant. I love my home, it is so spacious and it’s been designed unlike any other homes, I previously had. Thanks to Kanye. He partially designed it with the other great designers.”

“Do you take any lead in the design department?”

“Honestly, I let him drive it. I trust his judgment on this.”

“What else is part of your today’s environment?”

“We travel a lot. I am constantly surrounded by my family. I love being a mom. I am also studying law and I have great tutors supporting me in my journey.

“Who are you in this environment of yours?”

“I am a mother, a student, a friend, a lover, an advocate, a businesswoman. And I know how to relax have fun too.” she says and smiles. “ You can not take yourself too seriously, when you have so much to do. I have a lot on my plate. But I love it.”

“Tell me about your key talents and skills. What are your unique capabilities?”

“I would say, I am a connecter. I connect people somehow. I bring them joy, whether it is to my family or random people. Like my fans or anyone I help through my advocacy work. You may be surprised to hear that this is a talent or a skill.

“How do you bring them joy?”

“Well, in brief, it is how I feel inside. I feel peace and I just know that everything is going to be all right. You know how some people say life is suffering, and you have to accept it? I think in stoicism they live by that philosophy. It is not my philosophy. I have my challenges and difficulties, but I quickly get myself out any darkness. Yes, quickly. That’s one skill, I have.” she smiles again.

Indeed when “she” speaks even through Eliza, you get this feeling that everything is good and simply going to get better.

“Kim, thank you. Tell me about your beliefs and values. When you speak of connecting people and giving them joy — what do you believe in and what do you value the most?” I ask her.

“I believe everyone deserves a chance in happiness. Every woman deserves to feel and look beautiful no matter where she comes from in her life. We are all different, but equally beautiful. I value sharing, giving and being kind. This is what I teach my kids — kindness. Be kind to people you meet. I value my family — they come first. Then my business and advocacy work.

“And who is behind all of this? What is at the core of who you are, Kim?”

“That’s a good question! You are getting deep here! I think I am a change agent. It took my time to grow into it. I always have been a change maker in some sense, with things like making others look more beautiful as a stylist when I was young. But today, I use the tools of law and communication to make change happen widely.”

“What are your spiritual beliefs, Kim?”

“ I believe in God. God is gracious and kind. I have a deep connection with God. I am not religious. But I know in my heart, God is in me and I feel the divine presence, always. Even now.” her face lights up again.

I thank Kim for being with us. And as we let “her” go, I return back to Eliza and give her some time to process what she has heard and felt during this session. Moments later, she awakens and opens her eyes.

“Wow…I feel amazing, like I have been infused with some energy, it is inspirational. Ecstatic. ”

“What are the key insights for you and take aways, Eliza?”

“Right now, I will say, that I am just blown away by her sense of calm and trust in herself. She is so confident. I also realize, she has her set of struggles, just like we all do, like health, dealing with her husband, speaking to high level individuals for her advocacy work. But still, she does it with such ease. And she really does have a magical way to get out of negativity. She just shakes it off.”

“Indeed, a great quality to just shake it off — we all need it. I would love to know how she does that exactly. There has to be some sort of internal process for it.”

“Is there a way to find out?” asks Eliza.

“Maybe you will meet her one day in real life and ask her.” I say jokingly. You just never know.

Thomas Jefferson once said, “If two individuals get together and exchange a dollar, they each walk away with one dollar. If the same individuals get together and exchange an idea, they both walk away with two ideas.” This exchange of ideas is the essence of modeling. You walk away with another set of ideas and behaviors from the engagement with your model. It is ultimately about sharing. We thank Kim for showing up today and sharing her magic with us.

Disclaimer: names of clients are changed, and scenarios slightly modified.


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