Los Angeles hypnotherapy for public speaking anxiety

You may overcome public speaking anxiety with hypnosis in a matter of two hypnosis sessions. I have been practicing hypnosis therapy for over over 15 years now, with offices in Manhattan New York, Lo Jolla, Ca and weekly outcalls in Los Angeles area. And now, as the demand goes, practicing it online via Zoom or phone. So, if you are in LA area, you may still request an outcall or visit my La Jolla office or simply opt out for Zoom.

How can hypnotherapy help me with public speaking anxiety?

The problem with public speaking anxiety is two fold. First, it’s the presence of some specific and unique to every person internal narrative, revolving around the beliefs like: “I am not good enough to be a speaker”, “I don’t deserve it”, “I am not as good as others”, “People will laugh at me” or “People will find me boring” and so on. Second, it is the inability to relax physically, the fear and nervousness starts way before the presentation, triggering a fight-or flight response. This type of bodily reaction is often characterized by the increased levels of the stress hormone in the blood, called cortisol, literally making you feel the anxiety - your heart rate goes up, so does your breathing and metabolism. You can feel it in your body as complete and utter discomfort, making you want to run away from the situation. You are not enjoying it.

With hypnosis therapy you can address both angles of public speaking anxiety. First, the negative narrative, hindering your public speaking presentation can be addressed and rewritten. And later, this new and updated narrative would be communicated to you, while you are in the state of hypnosis. Imagine thinking and believing that you are capable of presenting well and that you are worthy and deserving of your audience’s attention. With a new positive narrative in your unconscious mind, you will be guided to rehearse this easy, comfortable and enjoyable presentation as well. There lies an immense power of being able to see, feel and hear that, what you want. It triggers faith and belief that this positive new reality is possible and easy to reach.

Second, you will learn a few self-hypnosis techniques to help you elicit a relaxation response, which is the opposite of the fight-or-flight response. A relaxation response, originally coined by Dr. Herbert Benson in 1975, is your body’s natural function to promote relaxation in the body, alongside with the release of chemicals like serotonin, melatonin and endorphins. The switch between your sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous systems occurs, naturally inducing a state of calmness and ease in our body. With simple breathing techniques and self-hypnosis you may be able to achieve the relaxation response. These processes and self-hypnosis techniques will be taught to you and practiced during your hypnosis sessions as well.

How many hypnosis sessions are required to help overcome public speaking anxiety?

It generally takes only two hypnosis sessions to build confidence as a public speaker. Your first hypnosis session lasts 75 minutes, and your follow up is one hour long. Both hypnosis sessions are recorded and sent to you right after the session in the mp3 format file. This way you can listen to these customized hypnosis sessions for any future reinforcement, as needed.

Please read Elena Mosaner’s reviews here to get to know what the clients are saying about working with her.

Book your Los Angeles hypnotherapy for public speaking anxiety for an outcall visit in LA area or schedule it over Zoom. Call 858-848-9035 or fill out the contact form.


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