Los Angeles hypnosis for performance anxiety and stage fright.

Stage fight or performance anxiety can be experienced at any stage of your acting or any type of performing career.

It is not uncommon for a performer, even with years of experience and grammy or academy awards to experience the fear and anxiety of being on stage.

Right now there are about 140,000 active members of SAG-AFTRA in Los Angeles, and many more who are not members. There are musicians and any other type of performers and stage personalities, who are not part of SAG-AFTRA or they are members of a different union. Bottom line is, performance anxiety is quite common and it can be overcome with hypnosis therapy and relaxation techniques.

What can cause performance anxiety?

A number of things can cause performance anxiety, here are some examples:

  • poor sleeping habits

  • general anxiety & stress in life

  • too much caffeine or alcohol intake

  • a specific negative inner dialogue and low self-esteem

  • the memory of any past experiences of failure

  • an unexpected negative instance while performing

  • someone’s negative comment or criticism over your performance

  • unresolved childhood issues

How exactly hypnosis can help you overcome performance anxiety?

If you are a heavy caffeine or alcohol drinker, you can reduce that. Make up your mind now or use hypnosis to help you build a better habit. It is just the matter of programming the mind with a new thought of a new a better habit.

You can learn to establish better sleeping habits. Hypnosis therapy can help you release any tension and process suggestions for better sleep. You can also learn self-hypnosis techniques to help you fall sleep quicker and stay asleep.

If you have overall stress in life, once again, you can learn and utilize self-hypnosis techniques to help you mitigate stress and feel more calm and relaxed no matter what is going on around you.

Any specific negative dialogue and low self-esteem can be addressed in your hypnotherapy session to help reframe and rewrite it into a more positive nurturing and supporting inner dialogue. This new dialogue would be rehearsed and processed by the unconscious mind while deeply relaxed in the state of hypnosis.

You can also detach yourself from any negative past experiences or anyone’s harsh judgements or opinions of you, that you believe have seeded inner doubt and low confidence levels. Again, this can be reprogrammed with specific targeted suggestions, designed just for you.

Any childhood unresolved issues resulting in low self-esteem, shame, guilt or self-deprecation can be addressed in your hypnotherapy session as well. The specific old, negative and disempowering mental programming can be detected through a strategic inquiry and reprogrammed with hypnosis.

How many hypnosis sessions do I need to overcome performance anxiety?

A total of two hypnosis sessions is sufficient to overcome stage performance anxiety. Both hypnosis sessions are recorded and sent to you after the session.

You may set up an in-person hypnotherapy in Los Angeles for performance anxiety at the comfort of your home. Once a week, I do outcalls to Los Angeles area. You may also visit our La Jolla office for an in-person session, only 2 hours away from LA. All hypnosis sessions are also conducted via Zoom. All Zoom hypnosis sessions are just as effective as any in- person hypnosis sessions.


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