Hypnotherapy to stop smoking in Los Angeles

California is considered the state with the lowest amount of smokers, according to the Center for Disease Control ( CDC). In 2017, current smoking ranged from nearly 9 of every 100 adults in California and Utah (8.9%). However, West Virginia, Kentucky and Louisiana have accounted the highest range, 26 of every 100 adults(26.0%) are smokers.

No matter what state you live, the numbers should be less if not zero. Every one of these smokers predisposes themselves daily to the diseases such as:

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

Cardiovascular (heart) disease



Chronic Bronchitis





Atherosclerosis (buildup of fatty substances in the arteries)


Covid 19

and more…

As you can see the list is long. So, what holds a smoker poisoning themselves with cigarettes?

Some of the other findings from CDC were that the majority of smokers across the US were often single/widowed/divorced than married or living with partners. Current cigarette smoking is higher among people with a low annual household income than those with higher annual household incomes. Also, current cigarette smoking is highest among people with a general education development (GED) certificate and lowest among those with a graduate degree.

Men were more likely to be current cigarette smokers than women. Nearly 16 of every 100 adult men (15.6%) and about 12 of every 100 adult women (12.0%).

Stress, poor education and lack of knowledge of the dangers of smoking are some of the common and simple reasons why one would continue to smoke cigarettes. The common smoker may not be reading articles on Flipboard about cancer and smoking and Covid-19 or sitting at a lecture at the University taking a biology or public health classes for the Master’s degree.

I was passing by Von’s the other day and saw two employees outside of the supermarket smoking. This is the minimum wage paid worker, with no graduate degree, who is spending up to $300 a month on cigarettes. What can they do to improve their life? The first and foremost is to stop smoking.

Most smokers are often in a state of oblivion or denial, until it hits them and they reach a point in their life. feeling sick and tired of being smoker. Maybe someone inspires or encourages them to stop, like their child or someone who cares about them deeply.

You could be someone from the entertainment industry or a finance world, dealing with stress and anxiety, maybe because you feel overworked, lonely or have just experienced a break up. You too, are waking up and ready to stop.

How does smoking cessation work?

During your hypnosis session, your hypnotherapist will go over the basics of smoking cessation, teach you self-hypnosis techniques, and offer a substitution technique for cigarette cravings. In the state of hypnosis you will be introduced to the benefits of being a non-smoker and the dangers of being a smoker. While deeply relaxed, you will be guided to see two pathways, one that goes to your left and one that leads to your right, the path of a non-smoker. It is essential to be able to see yourself becoming a permanent non-smoker to enhance your belief and motivation to stay on the path to your right.Your mind is receptive while in the state of deep relaxation. In hypnosis, you will naturally forge your will power to stay away from cigarettes and stubbornly refuse to smoke.

How many hypnosis sessions do I need to stop smoking?

You can become a non-smoker in one single session, for as long as you are ready to become a non-smoker.

Is there a guarantee that I will become a non-smoker after one hypnotherapy session?

If you are ready to become a non-smoker for yourself, not your wife or husband, friends, family members or your doctor, then you will be successful with smoking cessation. If you follow the instructions and guidelines given by your hypnotherapist you will become a permanent non-smoker.

Call today at 858 848 9035 or fill out the form for your evaluation with hypnotherapist Elena Mosaner and set up your smoking cessation hypnosis in Los Angeles at the comfort of your home or visit us in our La Jolla’s office for an in-person session. Zoom hypnosis sessions are also available and are just as effective.


CDC (Center for Disease Control) web site


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