Free Zoom Event 09.01.2020 : Discover a Better You through Accepting the Loss of Your Pre-COVID Life

Event: Discover a Better You through Accepting the Loss of Your Pre-COVID Life

Host: Elena Mosaner, MS PCC

Date: September 1st at 2:30pm-4:00pm Pacific

NOTE: Recording of the EVENT is now available. Scroll down.

This 90-minute intensive live hypnotherapy workshop is designed to help you get unstuck  and move on from the Pre COVID-19 way of life we all had and shared. Learn to accept what has been lost and move into your better New Life Chapter with the power of your imagination and connection to your wise and future self.

We have all experienced a shared experience of isolation, lockdown, fear of disease and loss of some kind. Businesses closed and many are left unemployed. We lost access to athletic events, yoga studios, favorite restaurants, concerts and movie theaters. Social life and especially dating is now a whole new game. This is change that came upon us abruptly. We lost the way of life we once knew and it is no longer here. And it will not come back exactly as it was before anytime soon,.

Collectively and simultaneously, knowingly or unknowingly, we are going through the process of grieving over the way of life we once had. The theory of the five stages of grief, developed by the Swiss American psychiatrist Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, include Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. They are important to understand and become aware of in order to know  where you are in your grieving cycle so that ultimately you may move to the last stage: Acceptance. This is when true  healing, growth, expansion and transformation into a new and better you happens!

As they say, one door closes, another opens. But some of us are stuck in a state of limbo and inaction waiting for the old door to open.

This is a crucial time in your personal history to make change happen.

Reevaluate your beliefs and values. Will you change the nature of your current business and what it stands for? Or perhaps start a new venture? A new career? A new relationship? Your new body transformation journey? What will you do different to enter the secret door of the new way of life?

In this hypnotherapy workshop, I will teach you to recognize what is holding you back, how to release it and how to jump start a new lifeline with the power of open-ended questioning, imagination and piercing hypnotic focus.

You will learn:

·      Three self-hypnosis techniques to reduce stress, overcome fear and learn to relax your mind

·      How to design and ask yourself open-ended questions to receive a powerful inner insight

·      A 4-step adult learning cycle to help you identify your lessons from a life changing event like the current pandemic

You will experience:

·      A 30-minute group self-hypnosis meditation session to overcome blocks and jump start a new life chapter

·      Deep relaxation to reduce stress and ignite imagination

Here is the recording of the EVENT. Enjoy!



How I found my Empowered Feminine on my first ayahuasca experience.


Accepting Grief Over Losing Your Pre-COVID Life Can Lead to a Better You.